Membership Types:

There are three types of membership in the association, each having its own place and commitment. These are:

Affiliate membership: This is the option for non-practitioners and for people who have an interest in Structural Life Coaching, but do not have a formal and approved training.

Regular membership: This is suitable for those who have completed a formal and approved training program.

Professional membership: Structural Coaches eligible for this type of membership are those who have completed an approved and formal training program and have also completed 400 hours of supervision with an approved Structural Coach.

Application procedure:

If you wish to apply for one of our membership types, please download the application form by clicking the link below. After completing the form, send a scanned copy along with the requested documents by email to: [email protected] If you wish to apply for one of our membership types, please download the application form by clicking the link below. After completing the form, send a scanned copy along with the requested documents by email to: [email protected]